My paintings want to speak, move, spread. Driven by an impulse, they can be a record of momentary feelings. Spontaneity and expression, unwavering curiosity and immersion in the creative process push me to discover more and more.

‘The paintings of Łapa-Maik invite not only to follow the representations of the artist’s inner life but also to direct attention to one’s own. An encounter with her paintings might produce the very same effect, drawing the viewer’s attention from the world of outside stimuli to their own emotionality.’ Katarzyna Boch, Contemporary Lynx

“This interview is so beautiful. About the crisis around forty and the discovery of the artist in herself, about dancing with pictures and riding a bicycle to demonstrations. And there is a flow in this interview, like in the paintings created by Dorota Łapa-Maik " - Aneta Pondo, Miasto Kobiet

When painting I willingly use the language of spontaneous abstraction. Musical improvisation: dance and free jazz are especially close to my approach. I am passionate about movement and free expression, but also observation, contemplation and reflection. I gladly use poetic shortcuts, consciously resigning from the pursuit of perfection in favor of searching for what is current, alive and thus authentic for me.